Solo exhibition in 2cnd floor Old Town Hall, space for young art in 90′, run by GHMP /Prague City Gallery/.
This exhibition was my first big solo show in serious gallery space, in 90′, Prague City Gallery support a lot many young artists. Oposit to National Gallery that time. Curated by Olga Malá. Catalogue with was published, contain the texts from Olga Malá, Veronika Bromová a long interview from Tereza Bruthansová.
This space and “black light” installation contain from space itself with was changed by black light and UV tapes in to something with speaks about our 3D dimension. Thats mean it’s about in with space we live, how we understand the situation we live in. Speaks about our dimension. Corridor I designed from this “Entrance room”, ended by perspex glass, so visitors cannot go more far, that wall stop them. Behind it is an indefinably large space, misted by fog through which rays of light shine. That situation reminds humans situation when we can mostly just imagine what is in the Universe space.
I was inspired of many great Sci-fi literature authors like Arthur C. Clarke, Karel Čapek, Ray Bradbury and X-files TV series with war run at the time. I was thinking about year 2000, with was closed, and we people imagining what will be after.
This show speaks about our human limitation but also imagination. About “Strange Beings”, aliens, different forms of life. About our ability to communicate, possibly with them, but also together, about understanding of “Otherness”. How we can imagine to understand a different life forms when we don’t accepted even different skin color of normal humans. How we can speak with aliens, if we have not understanding for disabled people for example. Etc.
That gallery space have 2floors, upstair was Room on The Edge of Horizon, the you can see kinetic-mechanic tables, light installation remind a sun or other planet, or entrance to other dimension. You can see different “Beigins” and clouds from airplane view, like a highest point – distance you can make from Earth, like a last thing you can personally see when you are not astronaut.
Creatures i made by my-human fantasy coming from combinations of my imaginagination. All of them is still so human. Difficult to thing out something so different, when you are human.